Grant Making
Grant Making Grants to voluntary bodies and charitable organisations for initiatives that benefit the local community of Rye and its surrounding villages with an emphasis on:
- Improving social, cultural and educational provision Promoting the well-being and viability of the market town of Rye and its surrounding villages
- Improving and maintaining the built environment of Rye Capital Grants Working for the conservation of the built environment heritage of Rye Safeguarding community assets, assisting their maintenance or acquisition
- Promoting the sustainable re-use of heritage buildings Contributing towards the improvement of infrastructure and visual aspects of the public realm in Rye
Capital Projects
Specific capital projects concerning the built environment, with an emphasis on:
- Working for the conservation of the built environmental heritage of Rye
- Safeguarding community assets, assisting their maintenance or acquisition
- Promoting the sustainable re-use of heritage buildings
- Contributing towards the improvement of infrastructure, and visual aspects of the public realm in Rye